Alex Ohanian of Reddit fame speaks on how to use social media effectively

In a fast-paced and humorous four-minute talk, Alex Ohanian, co-creator of the social news voting site, boils down the factors for using social media successfully. If you don’t know who “Mr. Splashy Pants” is, this video is for you!


  1. Pingback: mrmerlot (Adam Roades)
  2. Michele Z. · January 19, 2010

    Great video. Alex’s final point “It’s okay to lose control of ‘the message.'” (Oh, and that the message no longer JUST comes from the top down.)

    His overall meme? “Loosen up!”


  3. Steve Fendlason · May 9, 2010

    Hey there, I was just browing the net and came across your site . Thought I’d say hi and tell you that I’ve enjoyed my stay here, hope you have a lovely evening !


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